Anxiety: Management or Coping?
Anxiety is in any field of human activity the main factor “inhibiting” functionality. For workplaces, 40% of the loss of working hours is due to employee anxiety, which affects both performance and physical condition, affecting the immune system. For people’s daily activity, it is also a key factor in “avoiding” many “obligations” or differentiating the program in order to “avoid what worries us“.
The word anxiety means “I press hard on the neck“. It indicates an unpleasant feeling, with many physical and mental extensions, while in some cases it is also mentioned as the main cause of chronic diseases. Emotion is related to the way of thinking of everyone, which leads him to develop or not anxiety in various situations.
Seeking treatment…
The “cure” of anxiety includes three main stages: The acceptance that “I have anxiety”, its management (“I can work with anxiety”) and finally its treatment, where the functional thoughts of the individual are sought, in an attempt to “differentiate” his attitude towards himself and his environment, to “adapt” to each situation.
Anxiety management includes the condition where everyone, experiencing emotion, tries to limit their physical and / or spiritual effects. Breathing techniques, mindfulness techniques, meditation-based techniques, and even medication are all aimed at reducing symptoms so that the person remains functional.
Dealing with anxiety refers to the search for causes, focusing on how the person represents reality, how he perceives the environment around him, how he ultimately thinks. In any case, we see things around us not as they are but as “we” see them as they are. It is a matter of individual perception. The situations that are created in everyday life, work, the use of public transport, speaking to a large number of people, the performance of a show are not in themselves situations that “contain” anxiety, this develops from the way that everyone “sees” the respective treaty. One psychologist described anxiety as “a process of personal choice“, meaning not that you choose to have anxiety, but that you choose to see the environment around you in such a way that you feel anxious!
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