Control the game!
In many sports, the coach’s basic instruction to the athlete is to “control the game”. To control the rhythm, the plan, their movements, the opponent, basically their own competitive behavior. For each opponent, control of the game is the main goal, to the point that it seems to determine the final winner.
The control of the game refers to the mental dimension of the athletes and describes the ability of the athlete to understand the conditions of the game, to adapt to his requirements, to find the right game plan, to be able to know at any time what is necessary to do.
Mentally, it is largely related to the athlete’s experience, his mental ability to analyze a game, his maturity, his knowledge of the sport in general. It requires mental clarity, very high concentration, knowledge of the right elements to focus, speed in perception and to be “mentally fast”: To be able to make the best possible choice in the shortest time.
Psychologically it requires calm, control of extreme emotions, a high level of self-confidence, and reduced stress. Exactly what we would be looking for when talking about “self-control”.
The control of the game is a combination of “self-control” and the appropriate mental approach of the game.
Mental preparation for the game is a crucial factor, almost necessary for the athlete to ensure control of the game. If you are able to control the activity and the process of the game, to a large extent you seem to control the result!
Yiannis Zarotis
Psychologist-Sports Psychologist
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