Anxiety and Self-Confidence How do they affect sport performance?
Anxiety and Self-Confidence
How do they affect sport performance?
The performance in the competition depends to a large extent on the preparation of the athletes, their training, their daily life and the general “protection” of themselves. The factors affecting performance are analyzed in many categories, whether they are physical, technical, tactical or even...
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Can I defeat any opponent? The way of thinking of high-level athletes!
Can I defeat any opponent?
The way of thinking of high-level athletes!
Ulugbek Rasitov from Uzbekistan participated in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics in the 68 kg category. At the age of 18 at the time, it was his first participation in Olympic games. He had some accolades as a teenager as in 2018 he won the silver medal in 48kg at the Argentina Youth Olympics and in 2019 he won the 55kg gold medal...
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Same ability – different performance from match to match!
Same ability – different performance from match to match!
For each field of human activity, the “necessary” elements-characteristics vary, depending on the requirements of the conditions. In the sports environment, the adaptation and success of athletes depends on factors that mainly concern physical and technical elements, as those that are “projected” more. Athletes...
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Anxiety before and during the competition
Anxiety is for athletes, at any level, a key factor in competition performance. It is described as an emotion, which changes the smooth functioning of the organism, in each of its individual systems, however, it is experienced by each person in a special way. For some stress creates gastrointestinal disturbances, for others mental confusion, all report a feeling of discomfort and dysthymia.
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Λείπει η Αυτοπεποίθηση ή η Ικανότητα;
Αναζητώντας τις αιτίες της μειωμένης απόδοσης στο περιβάλλον του αθλητισμού, είτε πρόκειται για προπόνηση είτε για αγώνα, οι αθλητές και οι προπονητές στρέφονται σε παράγοντες που αφορούν στη σωματική, ψυχολογική ή και την τεχνική/τακτική διάσταση του εκάστοτε αθλήματος.Ο ψυχολογικός παράγοντας, ο πιο σύνθετος και «απρόβλεπτος», συνδέεται συχνά με την έλλειψη αυτοπεποίθησης, την εμπιστοσύνη...
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The important “first coach”
The important “first coach” in the path of athletes
Research at the global level is looking for factors that sometimes have a positive and sometimes negative effect on the development and evolution of athletes. The effects of the family environment, the social data related to sports and the other factors that appear both in the introduction and in the course of the athlete are...
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Success: Want, Must or Can?
Success: Want, Must or Can?
Human nature often pushes him to set goals, to seek new experiences and different conditions through which he manifests his desires and fulfills his “wants”.
Both daily activity and sports are fields in which every person seeks success. Whether it is the exams at school, or the participation in a competition, or even in adult life the development in the...
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