Cognitive Approach
The fundamental view of the Cognitive Approach is included in: “it is not the facts that cause us problems, but our thinking about the facts”.
The person tries, with the help of the therapist, to “see” his thoughts and to turn them into functional ones, helping him to adapt to his environment.

Dealing with issues related to:

Anxiety Disorders

Panic Attacks


Social Phobia

Special Phobias


Psychology is the science that helps people to get to know themselves and their abilities better.
It accepts the diversity of people and does not intervene in order to change their character, but to improve the way they deal with the issues that concern them.
The person, with the help of the specialist psychologist, differentiates the way he perceives the situations around him, in order to achieve his personal adjustment. It is stated that “we see things not as they are, but as we are”, describing the thoughts, the feelings and the behaviors of the individual towards the various situations.
Mr. Yiannis Zarotis holds a license to practice Psychology as a graduate of the Department of Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, as well as a graduate of the Department of Psychology in Ioannina.