For Athletes
With Psychological Preparation, the athlete achieves maximum performance in any situation. “Everything you have done, as much as you have tried, everything you have sacrificed, acquires greater value if you can transfer it to the” right “moment, to the game!”. In summary, the purpose of the Psychological Preparation of the athletes is:
- Increasing performance and repeating everyone’s top performance in any situation
- Improving the sports experience
- Individual’s personal development
- The general well-being of the athlete
For Parents
Sports without parents is not possible as they are the main factor of emotional support of athletes. Based on their role, services are provided to the athletes’ parents:
- Individual sessions for the purpose of managing athletes
- Parents Seminars
For Coaches
The role of the coach is fundamental in the sports environment. His attitude and behavior have a great impact on the performance of athletes, both in training and in the game. In order to support the coaches, the following services are provided:
- Individual sessions with a coach for his personal Improvement-Development, stress management, communication style formation.
- Coaches Seminars
- Self-Assessment Questionnaires
Sports Psychology
We offer individual or group seminars to coaches, parents of athletes. The seminars can also be done online.
Online Sessions and Tests
Psychological and Mental Tests
We make use of the Vienna Test System SPORT as an assessment tool to achieve top performance.
Online Sessions
As part of the best and most complete contact, it is possible to conduct sessions online.
Cognitive Approach
“it is not the facts that cause us problems, but our thinking about the facts”.
The person tries, with the help of the therapist, to “see” his thoughts and to turn them into functional ones, helping him to adapt to his environment.
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Articles and Information
Λείπει η Αυτοπεποίθηση ή η Ικανότητα;
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